1: Was she in class yesterday?
2: Were they at the supermarket last week?
3: Where were you a week ago?
4: When was your birthday?
1: the weather yesterday was... sunny(soleado),clouthy(nublado), rainy(lluvioso), warm(calido)... ( va a depender de la respuesta que quieras dar)
2: My teacher was... (nombre)
3: I was born... (fecha)
4: Last Sunday i was ... (lugar)
Espero que te ayude
Exercise 1
1. Was She in class yesterday?
2. Were they at the supermarket last week?
3. Where were You a week ago?
4. When was your birthday?
En el ejercicio 2 tu las tienes que responder
1. What was the weather like yesterday?
¿Cómo estaba el tiempo ayer?
It was a little hot (Mi opinión)
2. Who was your English Teacher last year?
¿Quien fue Tu maestro de inglés el año pasado?
3. When were You born?
¿Dónde naciste?
4. Where were You last sunday?
¿Dónde estuviste el pasado domingo?
Espero te sirva!