• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: damaluz
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones en ingles de los quehaceres diarios


Respuesta dada por: sofivirgos
everyday i clean the kitchen.
i do my bed every morning
i clean up my room everyday
i do my homework everyday after school
i take the dog out everyday
everyday i help my sister with her homework
i clean the hamster's cage
i feed the fishes that live in my house
everyday i set the table
i water the plants in my garden
i help with dinner everyday
i make breakfast
i help with the laundry
i take the garbage out 
i sweep the house
i wash the dishes
i dry the dishes
i clear the table
i clean the table
i do the shopping
Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

A continuación, se escriben oraciones en inglés sobre quehaceres diarios que normalmente tenemos que hacer en nuestro hogar:

Daily chores

  1. I have to make my bed.
  2. I have to collect all my clothes.
  3. I have to clean my dog's house.
  4. I have to wipe down bathroom counters.
  5. I have to wipe down toilets.
  6. I have to wipe down the kitchen counters and kitchen table after each meal.
  7. I have to load the dishwasher immediately.
  8. I have to wipe down the shower walls and ledge
  9. I have to take out the trash when it’s full.
  10. I have to unload, load, and run the dishwasher.
  11. I have to sweep the kitchen floor.
  12. I have to clean the inside and outside kitchen cabinets.
  13. I have to clean the fridge.
  14. I have to reorganize and wipe down the pantry and cupboards in the kitchen.
  15. I have to reorganize closets, storage cupboards, and medicine cabinets.
  16. I have to launder clothes, curtains, carpets, furniture, and other fabrics.
  17. I have to clean dirt that has accumulated on floors, walls, baseboards, and tiles.
  18. I have to check for mold and mildew in the bathrooms.
  19. I have to wash the windows inside and out.
  20. I have to dust light fixtures.

Texto sobre rutinas diarias

I get up at 8 o'clock, I dress and brush my teeth. Then, I have breakfast with my family. After that, I take my bag and go to school. Classes start at 9 o'clock and finish at half past four. I have lunch at 12 o'clock with my friends in the school canteen. After school, I return home and have dinner with my family at half past seven. Then, I usually do homework or chat with my parents for a while. Finally, I brush my teeth and go to bed at about 10 o'clock. This is my daily routine.

Puedes aprender más sobre rutinas diarias en inglés en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/1713279 y brainly.lat/tarea/5837531


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