“Periodic Mural: we inform the world”
Periódico mural: informamos al mundo
Teacher name: _________________________
Grade: 1st ° Bachelor “___”
Week: 1
Topic: Sports and culture
Objective: Students will be able to learn identify about different sports and cultures.
1. Read the text bellow and answer the question in complete sentences:
How do sports shape culture?
Sports and culture
It is said that culture is everything around us. It is the way we speak, we dress, even the
way we think about certain topics. The word culture comes from the Latin “cultura”, which means to tend to, to cultivate. It was first understood as growing through education, but in the middle of 19th century, it was related to collective customs and inherited traditions and patterns of meanings in societies. All cultures are different, and even in a single country many subcultures can be identified.
Sports are a universal element found in all cultures. They provide young people with
experiences, fun, good physical health, as well as opportunities for social interaction and skills necessary for participation in society. Young athletes are also agents of change in their communities; they can educate others and inspire young athletes. When people are engaged in sports, identities and goals are shared. Bonds are cultivated across racial, ethnic, and class lines. Sports help human rights progress.
2. Underline the ideas found in the passage:
a. Culture reflects everything we are.
b. Culture only means “to be educated”
c. Culture is the same in all societies.
3.Answer the question according to your knowledge obtained in the passage.
We can find sports in all cultures.?
The sports in the differents cultures are the same?
Write 2 sports according to the differents cultures.
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How do sports shape culture? Sports shape culture in the way they provide people with experiences, fun, good physical health as well as social interaction. Sports are a universal element found in all cultures.
2. Underline the ideas found in the passage.
a It is said culture is everything around us. Culture is the way we speak, we are, we dress.
b. it was related to collective customs and inherited traditions and patterns of meaning in societies.
c. All cultures are different and even in a single country many subcultures can be identified.
3. Answer the question according to your knowledge obtained in the passage.
We can find sports in all cultures? Yes, sports can be found in all cultures.
The sports in the different cultures are the same? Yes, they are the same because people engaged in sports shared their identities and goals. Bonds are cultivated. Sports help human rights progress.
Write two sports according to the different cultures.
1. Football: It was played in Ancient Greece, Mayan Civilization and at modern times. It is considered the most popular game in The Cup of the world.
2. Cricket : Cricket is believed to have originated back in the 17th century and evolved over the next hundred years to becomes established in the 18th century – when it would become England’s national sport. With the English Empire trying to take over the world it makes sense that this popular game found its way to all corners of the globe. Unsurprisingly cricket is very popular in the Commonwealth countries, including Australia.
Culture is the expression of a team's values, attitudes, and beliefs about sports and competition. It determines whether, for example, the team's focus is on fun, mastery, or winning or whether it promotes individual accomplishment or team success.
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