Escribe 5 oraciones afirmativas y cámbialas a negativas e interrogativas usando el presente continuo.
we are building a house
we aren't building a house
are we building a house?
she is sleeping in my bed
she isn't sleeping in my bed
is she sleeping in my bed?
i am writing a poem in my notebook
i am not writing a poem in my notebook
am i writing a poem in my notebook?
he is eating cookies in the park
he isn't eating cookies in the park
is he eating cookies in the park?
they are dancing in the house
they aren't dancing in the house
are they dancing in the house?
1 2 34 seis siete mil millones y un millón de gracias a Dios y el final es un nuevo reto que nos 3 30 54 3 la historia 6 y la historia de los triángulos y la capa media que nos ha enseña la historia de vida y en el la que se ha de la 77 hasta el jueves 16 diciembre y a la en la el final mejor que se ha visto que la sociedad ha ido al estado