• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: blkls0
  • hace 3 años

Rewrite the sentences by making them negative. Do not change the tense
a. Seba travelled to La serena by car.
b. Laura rode a bike to school.
c. I saw Francisco Saavedra on TV yesterday.
d. Alexa's journey took 18 months.
e. Nicole posted on Instagram from the South Pole


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a. Seba didn't travel to La serena by car.

b. Laura didn't ride a bike to school.

c. I didn't see Francisco Saavedra on Tv yesterday.

d. Alexa's journey didn't take 18 months.

e. Nicole didn't post on Instagram from the South Pole.


La estructura negativa de las oraciones en Pasado simple:

Sujeto + Didn't + Verbo en forma base + Complemento.

Nota Importante: Aunque en las negativas el verbo se coloca en presente, el auxiliar Didn't que se le antepone al verbo indica su tiempo pasado.

didn't travel - no viajó.

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