• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: salome199
  • hace 3 años

I. Write the simple present tense of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences. (13 points)
1.There _____ (be) fifty-four countries in Africa.
2. Amir ______ (speak) Japanese, but he can’t write in Japanese.
3. Costa Rica _________ (not have) an active military.
4. Four different species of penguins ______ (live) in Antarctica.
5. In parts of Finland, the sun _____ (not set) for 60 days during summer.
6. Roy ____ (have) the chance to speak Chinese every day at work.
7. India and Australia are two countries where people _______ (not drive) on the right-hand side of the road.
8. The official language of Brazil ________ (not be) Spanish. It’s Portuguese. 9. Every day, more than 5 million people_____ the subway in New York City. (ride) 10. Sometimes my roommate _________from home instead of her office. (work) 11. The students __________a vocabulary test every Thursday. (take)
12. My brother ___________late on the weekend. (sleep)
13. The archaeologists ________after dark. (not work)


Respuesta dada por: colocho081

The simple present tense of the verb is using the root form, but in the third person, we must use s at the end of the verb, in some cases is a different letter, for example, I go in the third person is he goes.

1. There are fifty-four countries in Africa.

2. Amir Speaks in Japanese.

3. Costa Rica doesn't have an active military.

4. Four different species of penguins live in Antarctica.

5. The sun doesn't set for 60 days.

6. Roy has the chance to speak Chinese.

7. Where people don't drive on the right-hand.

8. The official language of Brazil doesn't be Spanish.

9. 5 million people ride the subway in NY.

10. My roommate works from home.

11. The students take a vocabulary.

12. My brother sleeps late on the weekend.

13. The archaeologists don't work after dark.

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