1. Choose the correct one. Give answers.
a. Are / is Robert a good doctor? Yes, …………………..
b. Is / are their incle old? No,……………………
c. Am / are I good at English? Yes,…………………
d. Are / is Tim and Tamara Russian? No,………………….
e. Is / are your aunt at home? No, ……………………..
f. Is / are Christmas a nice holiday? Yes, 1. Choose the correct one. Give answers.
a. Are / is Robert a good doctor? Yes, …………………..
b. Is / are their incle old? No,……………………
c. Am / are I good at English? Yes,…………………
d. Are / is Tim and Tamara Russian? No,………………….
e. Is / are your aunt at home? No, ……………………..
f. Is / are Christmas a nice holiday? Yes, …………………
+10 PTOS
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ahhhh hola me ayudan con la primera y con la segunda por favorr
porque la democracia solo no es una forma de gobierno sino un aforma de vida
ayudaaaa ... plis .. ( 5 ) ultima...
Ayuda por favor MIren la imagen plis
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ayudaaaaaa. plis ... rapidooo ( 3 )
ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... plis .. ( 2 )
ejemplos del verbo TB
ayudaaaaaaa plis .... rapidooo ( 1 )
saben como hacer una infografía de inglés ✨✨
8. What do you study from monday to friday? * You study English -Math -Personal social-Physical Education he studies English -Math -Personal social-…
2. Now write five sentences about things that you and other people you know have done during the pandemic. Use the PRESENT PERFECT. Example: I have w…
alguien sabe que significa Now you have to make your infographic.xfavor
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me ayudan porfi es urgente
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me ayudan porfa, gracias
doy puntos llevenselos todos
Escriba ala izquiera de cada propósion el entero que se emplea para reprrsentarla. 3 grados centígrados bajo cero 36 metros sobre el nivel del mar 10 …
me ayudan porfi es urgente
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Preguntas Frecuentes
A. Is Robert a good doctor? Yes, he is
B. Are their uncle old? No, he isn't
C. Am i good at English? Yes, i can
D. Are Tim and Tamara Russian? No, they aren't
E. Are your aunt at home? No, she isn't
F. Are Christmas a nice holiday? Yes, they are
a. Is Robert a good doctor? Yes,......Robert is a good doctor...
B. Is your age inclement? No,......Robert does not have an inclement eded......
C. Am I good at English? Yes,.....I know a lot in English.....
D. Are Tim and Tamara Russian? No,.....they are not from the group of Russians.....
me. Is your aunt home? No,.....she is at home.....
F. Is Christmas a good holiday? Yes,.....because we enjoy as a family.....
nose yo respondo esto posiblemente esto te sirva o le sirva a otros que lo necesiten o algo por el estilo y bye .