• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Gabri2010
  • hace 3 años

Choose the correct option:
1. I play / plays football every Saturday,
2. He play / plays football on Sundays.
3. We don't / doesn't like / likes milk.
* Do / Does you like / likes riding a bike?
5. She don't / doesn't live / lives in Poland.
Kate and I tidy / tidies our rooms everyday.
7. Mark don't / doesn't set / sets the table.
Do / Does your friend go / goes to school by bike?
I often help / helps my mum.
10. My dad never do / does the shopping.
11. Where do / does you spend / spends your holidays?
12. Helen vacuum / vacuums the carpet once a week.
13. Do / Does Jim walk / walks his dog in the evening?
14. Tim and Paul do / don't play / plays the guitar.
15. Do / Does they listen / listens to rap music?

Plis neseciti la respuestaaa


Respuesta dada por: aclarosvasquez

Respuesta: te ayudó en algunos

1.-i plays football every saturday = juego al fútbol todos los sábados.

2.- He play football on Sundays= él juega fútbol los domingos

3.- we don't like milk = A nosotros no nos gusta la leche

4.- Do you like riding a bike?= ¿Te gusta andar en bicicleta?

5.- She doesn't live in Poland.= Ella no vive en Polonia.

7.- Mark doesn't set the table= Mark no pone la mesa.

9.- I often help my mum= A menudo ayudo a mi mamá


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