• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jazmin200850
  • hace 3 años

ayudaaaaa es para hoy​



Respuesta dada por: YukikoHiyashi


Johnny Depp:

When is his birthday? His birthday is 9 June

What is his job? He is an actor

Which nationality is he? He is American

David Beckham:

What is his name? He is David Beckham

What nationality is he? He is English

Which country is he? He is from England

Yoko Ono:

When was she born? She was born in 18 February 1933

Why is she famous? She is famous because she is an Artist and singer Widow of John Lennon

Where is she from? She is from Spain

Salma Hayek:

What is her name? Her name is Salma Hayek

Which country is she from? She is from México

Why is she famous? She is famous because she is an actress


Espero que te haya ayudado. Suerte ^^

jazmin200850: gracias si me sirve
YukikoHiyashi: Te recomiendo cambiar algunas cosas, le di la misma respuesta a algunos de tus compañeros :3
jazmin200850: oki gracias x avisar
YukikoHiyashi: De nada. Mucha suerte ^^
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