• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: molinaamy7a
  • hace 3 años

There is / There are
Reconocer si la oración esta correcta o incorrecta, si está correcta, poner un visto y si está incorrecta escribirla de manera correcta a lado.

There is a cat in the house. ( ✓)
There are a glass on the table (X)
There is a glass on the table.


There is a book in the bag. ( )

There is three cars in the yard. ( )

There are two bikes in the room. ( )

There is a pencils on the desk. ( )

There is four candy in my pocket. ( )

There are four eagles in the sky. ( )

There is an carrot in the refrigerator. ( )

There are a orange on the floor. ( )

There is a house in the woods. ( )

There is five rabbits running in the field.
( )

ayudaaa doy corononita y muchos puntos plisss


Respuesta dada por: linamariarinconvidal


There is a book in the bag. ( ✓ )

There is three cars in the yard. ( X )

There are three cars in the yard.

There are two bikes in the room. ( ✓ )

There is a pencils on the desk. ( X )

There are pencils on the desk.

There is four candy in my pocket. ( X )

There are four candies in my pocket.

There are four eagles in the sky. ( ✓ )

There is an carrot in the refrigerator. ( X )

There is a carrot in the refrigerator.

There are a orange on the floor. ( X )

There is an orange on the floor.

There is a house in the woods. ( ✓ )

There is five rabbits running in the field.

( X )

There are five rabbits running in the field.

Respuesta dada por: KodKen


1.  ✓

2. X

3. ✓

4. ✓

5. X

6. ✓

7. X

8. X

9. ✓

10. X

Espero haberte ayudado. :D

KodKen: El 4 está mal, perdón el error, pensé que decir pencil xD
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