• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: urielboti
  • hace 9 años

20 enunciados utilizando condicional 0


Respuesta dada por: cassie99
1)if I find money on the street, I usuailly keep it.
2)if I don't know the owner, I can't do anything.
3)if I don't use English in class, I don't learn to speak it.
4)if I pet peanuts, I am sick.
5)If water reaches 100 degrees, it bolis.
6)if people eat too much, they get fat.
7)if you touch a fire, you get burned.
8)people die if they don't eat.
9)snakes bite if the are scared
10)if baby are hungry, they cry
11)if you eat ice, it melts
12)if you want to come, call me before 5:00
13)if you press that button, the light comes on.
14)It's easier to sleep if you aren't stressed
15)the teacher get angry if we don't work hard.
16)if I go on a boat, I always feel sick.
17)his mother gets annoyed if he's late.
18)if I don't know a word, I look in my dictionary
19)they play football, if they don't have any homework.
20)if you freeze water, it turns to ice
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