• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: josesosaouyet
  • hace 3 años

Porfavor me pueden resolver esto?

2. Reading comprehension

A) Read the text about Mr Cooper and then translate.


This is Mr Cooper. His first name is Matthew. Mr Cooper was born in Australia, but now he lives in Manchester, in the UK. His parents live in Australia. He is a teacher. He loves teaching English. He also likes maths. He isn’t married. He shares a flat with a friend. Every day, Mr Cooper gets up at 6:30 a.m. He always has cereals for breakfast and he drinks coffee. He catches a bus to school. He always wears a shirt and smart trousers for school. Sometimes, he wears a tie. His hair is short and tidy. In the evenings, Mr Cooper usually goes to the gym. On Saturdays, he goes to visit friends in the town centre. On Sundays, he always marks books and prepares lessons. Sometimes, on Saturday evenings, he likes a good night out! He goes to Chinatown and he has a nice Chinese meal with his mates. His favourite meal is chicken Gungpo. It is very spicy! He saves money every month because he wants to go to Australia in the summer to visit his mum and dad. He is a really nice guy!

B).Write TRUE or FALSE

1. ___ Mr Cooper’s first name is Andrew.
2. __ He comes from Australia.
3. __ He lives in London.
4. __ He is a car mechanic.
5. __ He hasn’t got a wife.
6. __ He lives in a flat that he shares with a friend.
7. __ He gets up early.
8. __ He always has tea and toast for breakfast
9. __ He takes the tram to school.
10. __ He wears jeans and a T-shirt for school.
11. __ He never wears a tie.
12. __ His hair is short and tidy.
13. __ In the evenings, he goes to the gym.
14. __ On Saturdays, he goes to art galleries and museums.
15. __ On Sundays, he does his school work.
16. __ Sometimes, on Saturday nights, he goes out for a curry with his mates.
17. __ He likes Chinese food and his favourite dish is Chicken gung po
18. __ He saves money every month.
19. __ He wants to go to America with his girlfriend.
20. __ He is a really nice guy and a cool teacher!

rudysherrera3: me ayudan a traducir x fa


Respuesta dada por: viarian2708



2. Comprensión de lectura

A) Leer el texto sobre el Sr. Cooper y luego traducir.


Este es el Sr. Cooper. Su primer nombre es Matthew. Cooper nació en Australia, pero ahora vive en Manchester, Reino Unido. Sus padres viven en Australia. Él es un maestro. Le encanta enseñar inglés. También le gustan las matemáticas. No está casado. Comparte piso con un amigo. Todos los días, el Sr. Cooper se levanta a las 6:30 a.m. Siempre desayuna cereales y toma café. Toma un autobús a la escuela. Siempre usa camisa y pantalones elegantes para la escuela. A veces, usa corbata. Su cabello es corto y arreglado. Por las noches, Cooper suele ir al gimnasio. Los sábados va a visitar a unos amigos al centro de la ciudad. Los domingos, siempre marca libros y prepara lecciones. A veces, los sábados por la noche, ¡le gusta salir bien por la noche! Va a Chinatown y tiene una buena comida china con sus compañeros. Su comida favorita es el pollo Gungpo. ¡Es muy picante! Ahorra dinero todos los meses porque quiere ir a Australia en verano para visitar a su mamá y papá. ¡Es un tipo muy agradable!


1. ___ El nombre de pila del Sr. Cooper es Andrew.

2. __ Viene de Australia.

3. __ Vive en Londres.

4. __ Es mecánico de automóviles.

5. __ No tiene esposa.

6. __ Vive en un piso que comparte con un amigo.

7. __ ​​Se levanta temprano.

8. __ Siempre desayuna té y tostadas.

9. __ Toma el tranvía a la escuela.

10. __ Viste jeans y una camiseta para la escuela.

11. __ Nunca usa corbata.

12. __ Su cabello es corto y arreglado.

13. __ Por las tardes, va al gimnasio.

14. __ Los sábados va a galerías de arte y museos.

15. __ Los domingos hace su trabajo escolar.

16. __ A veces, los sábados por la noche, sale a tomar un curry con sus compañeros.

17. __ ​​Le gusta la comida china y su plato favorito es Chicken gung po

18. __ Ahorra dinero todos los meses.

19. __ Quiere ir a Estados Unidos con su novia.

20. __ ¡Es un tipo muy agradable y un maestro genial!

Respuesta dada por: pintodylan


1) F- Mr Cooper’s first name is Andrew.

2) V-   He comes from Australia.  

3) F-  He lives in London.

4) F-  He is a car mechanic.

5) T- He hasn’t got a wife.

6) T- He lives in a flat that he shares with a friend.

7) T- He gets up early.

8) F- He always has tea and toast for breakfast

9) F- He takes the tram to school.

10) F-  He wears jeans and a T-shirt for school.

11) F- He never wears a tie.  12) V His hair is short and tidy.

13) F In the evenings, he goes to the gym.

14) F On Saturdays, he goes to art galleries and museums.

15) F On Sundays, he does his school work.

16) F Sometimes, on Saturday nights, he goes out for a curry with his mates.

17) V He likes Chinese food and his favourite dish is Chicken gung po

18) V He saves money every month.

19) F He wants to go to America with his girlfriend.

20) F He is a really nice guy and a cool teacher!


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