• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andreacb6348
  • hace 3 años

A. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I____(live) in London for four months.
2. My parents_____(go) on holiday soon
3. We_________(eat) lunch at the moment
4. Ying______(stay) at her friend's house for the weekend
(90) on holiday soon,
(eat) lunch at the moment.
(stoy) at her friend's house for the weekend
... (60) her homework
(Walk) to the bus stop .
(90) to the cinema Later
7. They
(study) abroad for one semester
9. He
(move) out of his house next month.
10. Next week, we
(have) a party
(feel) very sad about it but I will feel better eventually
12. Your friend
(cal) you right now
13. We
(play) a game of chess.
14. They
(plan) a day out at the theme park
15. Santiago
(look) for a new washing machine.​


Respuesta dada por: TrisLO


1) am living

2) are going

3) are eating

4) is staying

el resto no lo entiendo, esta mal escrito.

7) are studying

9) is moving

12) Is calling

14) are playing

15) is looking

Para armar presente continuo se utiliza Sujeto + Verbo to be + Verbo en terminación ING + complemento.

Respuesta dada por: calderonmeza


gracias no sabes cunto me ayudó

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