• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maloryguerrapater
  • hace 3 años

1. traduce las siguientes oraciones, luego reescribelas en negativo y
(Prohibido usar traductor para revelar toda la oracion. se debe buscar palabra por
palabra. se sugiere utilizar un diccionario o aplicación de este.)
a) I am writing a poem now. (Estoy escribiendo un poema ahora)
I am not writing a poem now
am I writing a poem now?
b) We are building a house.
c) Paul and Jennifer are studying science
d) Tom is teaching English in that high school.
e) They are telling Mary what happened yesterday.ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lo necesito para ahora enseguida les doy corona y se los agradezco mucho si no saben no respondan nada háganlo bien hecho por favor​


Respuesta dada por: KodKen


b) We are building a house. af

   Are we building a house? ask

   We aren't/are not building a house. neg

c) Paul and Jennifer are studying science. af

   Are Paul and Jennifer studying science? ask

   Paul and Jennifer aren't/are not studying science. neg

d) Tom is teaching English in that high school. af

   Is Tom teaching english in that high school? ask

   Tom isn't/is not teaching english in that high school. neg

e) They are telling Mary what happened. af

   Are they telling Mary what happened? ask

   They aren't/are not telling Mary what happened. neg

Las palabras que contienen negritas es porque puedes usar tanto aren't/isn't como tare not/is not .

maloryguerrapater: gracias amiga
KodKen: No hay problema :D
maloryguerrapater: ok
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