• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rubi02032005
  • hace 3 años

Write the verb in simple past using the affirmative, negative and interrogative structure.
1. Sam____(invite) me to the cinema.
2. I _____ (not see) my friends last night.
3. ____ my dad buy a new tie?
4. The teacher _____ (not tell) us to study hard for the exam.
5. She _____ (feel) sad when you left.
Ayuda por favor


Respuesta dada por: zaipgringcs


1. Invited

2. I don't see

3. did

4. didn't tell

5. feels

Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

La forma pasada de los verbos son, invited, didn't see, Did, didn't tell, felt.

Pasado Simple.

El pasado simple se usa para hablar de acciones culminadas en el  pasado.

Su estructura es:

  • Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento. (Positiva)
  • Sujeto + didn't + verbo simple + complemento. (Negativa)
  • Did + sujeto + verbo simple + complemento. (Interrogativa)

1. Sam invited me to the cinema.

2. I didn't see my friends last night.

3. Did my dad buy a new tie?

4. The teacher didn't tell us to study hard for the exam.

5. She felt sad when you left.

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