• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paxtianosuki590
  • hace 3 años

Complete the good luck superstitions with first conditional ​


aliciaorvi15: Es hacer los tres ejercicios?
paxtianosuki590: siii
aliciaorvi15: Vale


Respuesta dada por: aliciaorvi15
7- If you find a loose eyelash and make a wish, this wish will come true.
8- If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake in one blow, you’ll / you will get whatever you want.

1: d)
2: e)
3: a)
4: c)

1- If you open an umbrella indoors, it will bring you bad luck.
2- If you sleep with your feet towards the door, a nightwalker will steal your soul.
3- When a cat sneezes three times indoor, it will rain in 24 hours.

Espero haberte ayudado.
Me das coronita?? :)
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