• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: deiverperez192
  • hace 3 años

traduce el siguiente texto
pedro is having problems in his maths class. he often can´t do his homework because he doesn´t understand it and he never gets good marks in his exams. when his gets bad marks, his stomach turns, his hands sweat, he gets a headache and he feels physically sick. he also feels depressed and often very sad . Pedro is a normal healty teenager, but stress is affecting him both physically and psycholoically¡

Pedro really doesn´t want to tell his parents abouts his bad marks because he thinks they will be angry with him. when he goes to bed he can´t sleep because he is thinking about his exam marks. In the morning, he doesn´t want to talk to anyone. he really doesn´t want to go to school and he definitili doesn´t want to go to his maths class, so he tells his parents that he has a stomach ache


Respuesta dada por: user0oo0o0oo01


le saque captura porque no me dejaba subir la respuesta.

espero ayudarte!!!


deiverperez192: graciass
user0oo0o0oo01: de nada uwu
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