ayuda por favor
(Imagina que no te sientes bien y pides una cita con el médico por primera vez. Describe todos los síntomas)
(Escriba una breve conversación entre usted y un médico. Recuerde incluir: una descripción de sus síntomas, preguntas y respuestas del médico, un diagnóstico, una receta y un dibujo)
Receptionist: Hello.
Me: Hi, I would like to have a appointment with the doctor.
Receptionist: He's free right now, you can enter.
Me: Oh thanks, I'm feeling so bad, I can't wait I'm very lucky.
(goes to the consulting room)
Me: good morning Doctor.
Doctor: Hello, good morning.
Me : I've been feeling very sick lately.
Doctor: What are your symptoms?
Me: I have stomach ache, I threw up 3 times today and my head hurts.
Doctor: Have you drink enough water?
Me: No, not really.
Doctor: That's the issue. You're dehydrated.
Me: So I should drink more water constantly, right?
Doctor: Yeah. I recommend you to drink for the next 3 days some oral electrolytes.
Me: Thank you so much.
Doctor: Yea no problem, take care!
(solo faltaría el dibujo xd)