• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juandavid95805349
  • hace 3 años

Hello, my name her so my brothers and I have a very good time. I like to do physical activities like riding a
bike, be my brother Toas to do ner types of acties. He doesn't like to do exercise. Marco doesn't like to read.
AX 3.000.m. Tomasz the internet. Some days, we all play video games. Mom makes dinner at 5:30
am and then try to see
No he doesn't He likes to play sports
Example: Does Alberto e so bese house after school?
Does Tomas like to do exercime?
bDoses Marco to read?
Do they play video games together?
d. Does Alberto cook dinner for his brothers?
Do they eat dinner before 8:00 pm?


Respuesta dada por: sandra1306smrc


Nesesito los puntos lo siento :)

Respuesta dada por: Secret3


Yes, they are.

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