• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: armybts3442
  • hace 4 años

Ola me aiudan? por fa y zi no saben no contesten k reporto >:v u:

Realiza cuatro oraciones (frases largas) que involucren ropa,color, utilizando these,those, this y that


Respuesta dada por: Yoel1300


this is my black sweatshirt is very comfortable and comfortable

these are my two camping t-shirts

those red clothes in the closet are yours

that's my green shirt I wear it for work


ojalá te sirva ;v

armybts3442: gracias qwq
Yoel1300: wxn me das una coronita?-)
armybts3442: igual te la iba a dar :v xd
Yoel1300: a wno gracias crack
Respuesta dada por: perritodogge
I like this shirt because it’s red .

Those pants are my size.

That girl is wearing the same shirt as me.

You are wearing green socks .

Esas son las oraciones que se me ocurrieron que involucren lo que necesitabas espero te sirven :)

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