• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: avilavalery765
  • hace 3 años

5. Complete the sentences and questions using the
present simple.
1... Jan's parents... (work) in a bank in the city centre?
2 My brother... (love) chocolate ice cream.
3 ... your Uncle John ... (teach) Maths at my school?
4 My cousins... (play) tennis really well.
5 Sophie ... (do) basketball practice after school every day,
6 We... (go) to the cinema once a month.

6. Rewrite the sentences to make them negative.
1 llike getting up early at the weekend,
2 My brother plays football every day.
3 My grandparents speak Chinese.
4 I go to the park every day.
5 Jane knows my brother well.(ayuda pliss)​


Respuesta dada por: jasjasjascuaccuac


espero que mi respuesta te sea de ayuda :D


1 Are  Jan's parents working in a bank in the city centre?

2 My brother loves chocolate ice cream.

3 does your Uncle John teaches Maths at my school?

4 My cousins play (se queda igual) tennis really well.

5 Sophie does basketball practice after school every day,

6 We go (se queda igual) to the cinema once a month.

6. Rewrite the sentences to make them negative.

1 llike getting up early at the weekend,

i dont like getting up early at the weeknd

2 My brother plays football every day.

My brother doesnt play football every day

3 My grandparents dont speak Chinese.

4 I dont go to the park every day.

5 Jane doesnt knows my brother well.

Respuesta dada por: ernes2288


1. Do Jan's parents work (work) in a bank in the city centre?

2 My brother loves (love) chocolate ice cream.

3 Does your Uncle John teach (teach) Maths at my school?

4 My cousins play (play) tennis really well.

5 Sophie does (do) basketball practice after school every day,

6 We go (go) to the cinema once a month.

6. Rewrite the sentences to make them negative.

1 i like getting up early at the weekend: i doesn't like getting up early ay the weekend.

2 My brother plays football every day: My brother doesn't play football every day.

3 My grandparents speak Chinese: My grandparents don't speak chinese.

4 I go to the park every day: i doesn't go to the park every day

5 Jane knows my brother well: Jane doesn't know My brother well.

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