• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: anigamer19
  • hace 3 años

hola soy nueva me ayudan con mi tarea de inglés porfas​



Respuesta dada por: danielauwu45


2. (A) Are you Flying to Dubái next week? (B) Yes, I amor

3. Mrs. Perkins is giving her students a test in a few days.

4. Hurry! the train is Leaving in ten minutes.!

5. I am getting up very early tomorrow morning. at five o'clock

6. (A) is John coming to the party? (B) No, he is not

7. I am going to a shopping mall this weekend.

8. No. We are going out on Friday. We are staying home

9. Tomorrow is Saturday! I am sleeping late!

10. I am Playing football tomorrow afternoon at two-thirty.

11. Sally. Turn off the TV. We are eating dinner soon.

12. No, we are having a meeting today. It's a three o'clock tomorrow

anigamer19: muchas gracias
danielauwu45: no hay de que
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