2. He goes to the park to play wit his friends
3. She walks very quickly
4. it opens at 3:00 just after school
5. she writes one recipe in her notebook
6. it runs so fast, seem like a car
7. he always finiches his homework early
8. he plays the violin very well
9. she closes the door
10. She studies everyday after school
Ejemplos de 10 oraciones con la tercera personal del singular del presente simple en inglés:
1. She loves her boyfriend a lot.
2. He plays the piano very well.
3. Luis practices Football twice a week.
4. My mother likes to sing when she is cooking.
5. He teaches English to his friends.
6. She never walks her dog alone.
7. She cooks cookies for her family on Sundays.
8. Mark runs every Monday morning.
9. Mariann goes to the GYM everyday.
10. He speaks French too.
En inglés, la tercera personal del singular es de quién se habla en la oración. Generalmente corresponde a los pronombres personales "She, he, it". Al momento de formular oraciones en presente simple con la tercera persona del singular es importante seguir las normas gramaticales; en caso de oración afirmativa, añadirle al verbo la terminación "-s", "-es", o "-ies"; de ser negativa o interrogativa, usar el auxiliar "Does".
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