• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: matas11misgmailcom
  • hace 3 años

1. Look at ... birds up there in the
a) this
b) these
c) those
2. Are your books over there on
the table?
a) these
b) those
c) this
3. My umbrella is right here. ... is my
a) That
b) This
c) These
Those apples are red, but ... apples
over here are green.
a) that
b) this
c) these
9. Hello, Dr. Smith. Could you please
look at ... cut on my finger?
a) this
b) that
c) these
10. Maybe we can ask ... policeman for
a) that
b) these
c) those
11. ... was a difficult test we had
last week
a) Those
b) This
c) That
12. How many of ... cookies would you
like? Two? Okay, here you are.
a) this
b) those
c) these

es para marcar la respuesta correcta me pueden ayudar porfa es para ya​


Respuesta dada por: julia0320


1. c

2. no está claro

3. b

-. c

9. a

10. a

11. b/c

12. c

Espero haber ayudado ^^

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