• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lfrorescarrillo
  • hace 3 años

Reading the text and answer T for true or F for false. Write the correct sentence.
14 points)

Dear Camila,
I'm sitting on the beach, reading a book, Robert and Carol are playing in the sand
and Trevor is swimming in the sea. He is with another child.
Paul is listening to music with his headphones and eating an ice cream
We are having a fantastic holiday.
Pichilemu is a little village, most of their people live from fishing, crafts and hosteling
There is a surf tournament this week. I'm waiting for it. Everybody here is really friendly
and they can say "hello" many times during the same day.
We are enjoying these holiday so much! I can't wait to see you and tell everything about it.

a. Camila is writing a letter to Sandra.

b. Trevor is listening to music.

c. Sandra is talking about her family.

d. Robert and Carol are playing in the sand.

e. Sandra feels really bored.

f. A surf competition is close.

g. Paul is eating a sandwich.


Respuesta dada por: cowiesluna

Respuesta: a) false

                   b )false

                   c)  true

                   d) true

                   e) false

                    f) false


Explicación: espero te sirvan es lo que yo creo suerte :)

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