• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alxssaz
  • hace 4 años

¡Holaa!, ¿me pueden ayudar en esto?, es que lo necesito para hoy.

What is life like in a small town in India? Meet Lachi, a twelve-year-old boy who lives in northern India. I get up at 5:30 AM because there are many birds that make noise. I walk to school every day. I begin classes at 7:00. We study Hindi, English, science, geography, history, art and math. There are no computers in our school but I really want to learn how to use one. At 10:15 we have a recess. Once or twice a week boys get into fights. I don't like that! Every day at 2:00 I go back home and have lunch. I do the dishes, and then my homework. These days I'm helping my dad in his store because he is out of the city. We have a small stand where we sell newspapers, drinks and snacks. I'm learning how to be a good salesperson! At 8:30 PM I have dinner. Then, I go to bed.
Reading Strategy
a. Is Lachi an aggressive boy?
To make b. Does his school have many didactic resources? inferences, deduce

Tengo que pasarlo a tercera persona del singular tiempo presente simple, forma afirmativa.


Respuesta dada por: misterchicken2002

hola, por alguna razon no me deja responder- dice que hay una palabra ofensiva pero todo lo que puse esta en ingles y no dije nada ofensivo xd

alxssaz: Oooh, bueno, no pasa nada. 3
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