• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 5564
  • hace 3 años

2. Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs in Brackets in the correct places.

1. I use my mobile in class. (never)
I never use my mobile in class.
2. Our teacher gives us homework. (always)
3. We get up early at the weekend. (don't often)
4. My dad drives me home from school. (sometimes)
5. My family eats breakfast together. (often)
6. The football players are lazy. (never)


Respuesta dada por: mcpills



I never use my mobile in class.

Our teacher always gives us homework.

We don't often get up early at the weekend.

My dad sometimes drives me home from school.

My family often eats breakfast together.

The football players are never lazy.

Respuesta dada por: sdeavilanarvaez

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