• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 14yulianasandoval
  • hace 3 años

Choose the correct option:
1. I play / plays football every Saturday.
2. He play / plays football on Sundays.
3. We don’t / doesn’t like / likes milk.
4. Do / Does you like / likes riding a bike?
5. She don’t / doesn’t live / lives in Poland.
6. Kate and I tidy / tidies our rooms everyday.
7. Mark don’t / doesn’t set / sets the table.
8. Do / Does your friend go / goes to school by bike?
9. I often help / helps my mum.
10. My dad never do / does the shopping.
11. Where do / does you spend / spends your holidays?
12. Helen vacuum / vacuums the carpet once a week.
13. Do / Does Jim walk / walks his dog in the evening?
14. Tim and Paul do / don’t play / plays the guitar.
15. Do / Does they listen / listens to rap music?


Respuesta dada por: 19051905



Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

El presente simple se usa para hablar de hábitos. Si el sujeto esta en tercera persona se debe agregar una "s o es" al final del verbo.

1. I play football every Saturday.

2. He plays football on Sundays.

3. We don’t like milk.

4. Do you like riding a bike?

5. She doesn’t live in Poland.

6. Kate and I tidy our rooms everyday.

7. Mark  doesn’t set the table.

8. Does your friend go to school by bike?

9. I often help my mum.

10. My dad never does the shopping.

11. Where do you spend your holidays?

12. Helen vacuums the carpet once a week.

13. Does Jim walk his dog in the evening?

14. Tim and Paul don’t play the guitar.

15. Do they listen to rap music?

Puedes ver más oraciones en presente simple aquí https://brainly.lat/tarea/54898328

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