• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: manuercas
  • hace 3 años

1:How________ does this laptop cost?

А) many

B) much

C) price

D) few

2: He wants to________ the walls yellow.

A) change

B) rearrange

C) distribute

D) paint

3: Whose bag is this? is it ________?

A) yours

B) your

C) my

D) you

4:If you want my ________ buy a laptop.

A) number

B) address

C) advice

D) idea

5: A: Do you like the pants?
B: Yes, but they're ______ small

A) few

B) much

C) enough

D) too

6: It's a good idea for men to wear a suit and________at a job interview.

A) blouse

B) tie

C) necklace

D) bracelet

7: You can put up some_______on the wall and make the room look nice.

A) stairs

B) rugs

C) paintings

D) lamos

8: Jamie______to London.

A) often travels

B) often moves

C) is often traveled

D) often traveling

9: What kind of clothes do you________?

A) took

B) taking out

C) wear

D) put

10: take a________every morning before go to work.

A) curtain

B) poster

C) shower

D) briefcase

11: _____you______to the movie theater tonight?

A) Do/come

B) Are/coming

C) Arelcome

D) Do/coming

12: There aren't________apples left Only one or two

A) many

B) much

C) lot of

D) lots

13: How often do you_______videogames?

A) surf

B) play

C) go

D) see

14: Natalie isn't______to drive car

A) too enough old

B) enough old

C) enough too old

D) old enough

15: A: Do you like the blue skirt?
B: I prefer the yellow_______

A) some

B) one

C) ones

D) any

16: I live in the mountains so prefer to wear_______instead of skirts to keep my legs warm.

A) boots

B) pants

C) belts

D) coats

17: Read the text and chose the correct option.

Hello Rick

How are you?1 miss England a little. However, it's fantastic here in Lyon. My new school is great and the place is really interesting, I have a part-time job at a hotel. I'm a waiter and I work in the evenings. In the mornings ! study and in the afternoons i spend time with Elena Elena is a receptionist at the hotal She's Spanish

and she's really nice. She has beautiful blue eyes and long dark hair. She loves pop music and dancing in our spare time we go to the disco. we lave dancing: Today is Elenas birthday and
want to buy her a CD.
That's all for now.
Take care

Where is Elena from?

A) Lyon

B) Spain

C) England

18: Read the text and chose the correct option.

Let's redecorate

Are you bored with your house? Don't move out! You can redecorate. It doesn't have to be expensive, You can get some ideas from magazines on home decoration. A few changes are enough. Put the couch in front of the bookcase and turn the desk a little to the right, Rearrange the furniture or hang new curtains. Or if you are lazy, you can just clean your room. It's easy and it can make you feel happy. Don't be afraid.

You don't need to do it alone. Why don't you ask a few friends to help you paint the walls on the weekend? They can help you decide on the colors. You can hang out and fix your house. You

can thank them later when the paint dries. Why don't you have a special party to celebrate your new house?

According to the writer, if you are bored with your house

A) move out of your house.

B) hang out with friends.

C) redecorate your home.

19: How can friends help you redecorate?

A) They can paint the walls

B) They can watch you fix things.

C) They can come to your party.

20: Where can you put the bookcase after you redecorate?

A) behind the couch

B) to the right of the desk

C) in front of the couch


Respuesta dada por: alezita2014


no hablo inglés lo siento por no poder ayudar

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