• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elnombrenoimporta98
  • hace 3 años

Ayuda esto es un examen ;-;
Form positive sentences in Past Perfect Simple.
1. We/the door/ open
2. She/ her bike/ push
3. She/ the match/ watch
4. We/ fish/ eat
5. You/ the house/ see
6. We/ her/ an apple/ give
7. They/ their mum/ thank
8. My crush/ at me/ smile
9. She/ a circle/ draw
10. Cindy/ a book/ take

Form positive sentences in Past Perfect Progressive
1. We/ a mountain/ climb
2. John/ money/ collect
3. You/ cards/ play
4. She/ her bike/ push​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


Past Perfect Simple.

1. We had opened the door.

2. She had pushed her bike.

3. She had watched the match.

4. We had eaten fish.

5. You had seen the house.

6. We had given an apple to her.

7. They had thanked their mum.

8. My crush had smiled at me.

9. She had drawn a circle.

10. Cindy had taken a book.

Past Perfect Progressive.

1. We had been climbing a mountain.

2. John had been collecting money.

3. You had been playing cards.

4. She had been pushing her bike.

El past perfect. El "past perfect" hace referencia a un tiempo anterior al pasado reciente. Se emplea para señalar que un evento ocurrió antes que otro en el pasado.

Sujeto + Had + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.

El past perfect Progressive. Permite señalar la progresión de una acción en el pasado. Se forma con el pasado del verbo auxiliar have, el participio del verbo be, y el gerundio del verbo principal:

Sujeto + Had + Been + Verbo con ING + Complemento.

rigar2182: no mas que tu
rigar2182: jaja
iikisaxd: chistoso me rei
rigar2182: XD
MAXPAWER123: .-.
MAXPAWER123: ._.
CATRINA10300: yo tambien ise lo mismo ._.
iikisaxd: ªª
MAXPAWER123: que
Anónimo: no jodas XD
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