• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: katefranco9
  • hace 3 años

hola porfavor me pueden ayudar
1.Choose the correct pronoun from the options color yellow to complete the sentence and at the end you should write why you chose that pronoun, this explanation will be based on what we have seen in class.
Look at the example so you can understand better.


Nick ate dinner with the Robertsons and we / us. = la oracion dice: Nick comió la cena con los Robertsons y nosotros (us). Va "US" porque indica que Nick hace la acción de cenar con nosotros, es decir, nosotros recibimos la acción y el pronombre para recibir la acción para nosotros es US.

así deben explicar porque escogen el pronombre.

1. They saw Steve and (me / I) at the movies last night after class.

2. He is going to the party with you and (me / I, )if you don't mind.

3. You and (her / she )ought to return the books to the library because they are already

4. Prof. Molina left a message for you and (me / I.) He needs to see us.

5. Nick ate dinner with the Robertsons and (we / us.)

6. He rang Mary and invited (she / her )to dinner.

7. My sister’s car isn’t black.( I t / He / Its )is white, but( its / is / it )is windows are black.

8. Their daughter is so beautiful and (her / she / hers) is very modest.

9. Our teacher is very nice.( Her / Its / She )children are also in (their / our / you )class.

10. Look at (me / he / her! )I am talking to (your / you / yours.)

11. Pay attention to (you / him / your) teacher or you won't understand (he / him / hers. )

12. Every week I visit (my / me / I )grandparents. I love (their / mine / them.)

13. If she borrows( your / yours) coat, then you should be able to borrow her I hers.

14. Each pot and pan in her kitchen has( it / its )own place on the shelf.

15. Mary and Mike invited( their / theirs) parents to see( their / theirs )new apartment.

16. When my roommate paid (her / hers)half of the rent, I paid (my / mine)

17. All students need to bring (their / theirs)own pencils and answer sheets to the exam.

18. Tom and (me / I, )both want to marry Ann. She has to choose between he and (I / him) and me.


Respuesta dada por: JorgeNitales666


1- me

2- i

3- her

4- i

5- us

6- her

7- it











18- ????? WTF??? escribe bien aqui por favor

→She has to choose between him and me.


there u go

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