• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isaarias
  • hace 4 años

la siguiente lectura escribala en forma interrogative: Who are they? Where are they?What do they do?

Carlos and María like music. They play many instruments. They play the piano,clarinet, saxophone,trumpet,guitar,and bagpipes. the bagpipes are his favorite instrument to play. Not very many people play the bagpipes.
They play the bagpipes for celebrations. They also play the bagpipes in parades. The audencie listens to the bagpipes.
They clap for Jim.
They also teach people how to play the bagpipes.they give lessons to children and adults. They teach them the history of the bagpipes,they teach them how to play music whit the bagpipes. They are good teachers.P or favor lo necesito urgente


Respuesta dada por: zoegervasio13


they are Carlos and maria. They like music and play a lot of instruments. They play the piano, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar and bagpipes. They are from Parades and they give lessons to children and adults. They teach them the history of the bagpipes,they teach them how to play music whit the bagpipes. They are good teachers.

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