• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marialaurapino020105
  • hace 3 años

Oraciones en presente, pasado y futuro perfecto afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas ​


Respuesta dada por: alissontamayoquevedo


ojala te sirva mi respuesta


1 Oraciones en presente

  • She does not accept my decision.
  • My mother never watches TV in her room.
  • Paul never does his homework.

2 Oraciones en pasado

  • She liked to sit in the sun. ...
  • He always walked to school. ...
  • I painted my house last weekend

3 oraciones en futuro perfecto

  • I will have worked  
  • You will have worked  
  • He will have worked

4 oraciones afirmativas

  • I am a student.  
  • - You are my friend.  
  • - She is pretty.

5 oraciones negativas

  • The weather isn't hot.
  • They are not four brothers.
  • You weren't at the hospital that night.

6 oraciones interrogativas

  • Are you sure they live here?
  • When did she arrive?
  • He has a new girlfriend, hasn't he?

dame puntos por favor UwU

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