• Asignatura: Geografía
  • Autor: 1196963984
  • hace 3 años

En el siguiente texto subraya con color azul los artículos definidos ellen
I remember the first day I use a computer. It was a strange box with a TV over it. The keyboard looks more
like a typewriter than an actual keyboard. The mouse has only one button. The monitor has a black
background and green letters. It works in text mode only. The GUI (Graphic User Interface) doesn't exist
then and you must use some commands to give orders to the PC. When you open the text processor, you
only saw a clear menu bar over the black screen, and a rectangular cursor. You can see only plain text and
have a few letters, no more than three or four, all them for dot matrix printers. In those days no one think
may be possible see videos, chat with your friends, or stay connected reading this page. What a long time
has passed! Is an egregious difference!​


Respuesta dada por: coralangelimatos1606




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