• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: GiovaZepeda503
  • hace 3 años

Grammar practice
Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs.
1. What___Leo usually___at school?
2. He___(go) to the park with his friends and they___(play) soccer.
3. What___he___(do) right now?
4. He___(jump) on his skateboard.
5. Where___he___(spend) his break?
6. ___you___(worry) street crime?
7. I___(think) some city streets___(get) really dangerous.


Respuesta dada por: MLeivaM

Respuesta: 1. does, do  2. goes, play  3. is, doing  4. is jumping  5. does, spend  6. do, worry  7. think, get

GiovaZepeda503: Thank u so much! Sorry and for this?
A lot of teenagers _______(worry) about their weight.
some teenagers ________ (eat ) French fries every day!
she_________ __________( wait) for the next bus.
MLeivaM: Perdón por no haberte respondido antes. Esta es:
worry, eat, is going. Espero que te sirva.
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