• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cesardelcastillo102
  • hace 4 años

plis, alguien me puede decir 10 enunciados en first conditional sobre el covid 19. plox​


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


- If you don't wash your hands, you will have COVID

- If you do not use a mask, you can get COVID

- If you touch someone with COVID then you will contract the virus

- if you do not distance yourself, you can expose yourself to COVID

-If you do not bathe when you get home, you can carry COVID on your clothes

-If you do not use the mask inside the house, if you have COVID, you can make others sick

- If you have the symptoms of COVID, put yourself in isolation

- If you take care of a person with COVID, follow the recommendations

- If you sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or a tissue when coughing

- If you arrive home you must take off your shoes before entering


espero que te sirva =)

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