• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: summi88
  • hace 3 años

3. Complete the sentences with the zero conditional.
a) If I don’t study for the test, ______________________________.
b) If I practice the English vocabulary, ___________________________________.
c. I feel good ___________________________________.
d. I am sad ______________________________________.
e) If I wake up late, _______________________________.
f) If I do physical exercise, ___________________________.


Respuesta dada por: karenalejandra566


  • If I wake up late, I’m late for work.
  •  If my husband cooks, he burns the food.
  •  If Julie doesn’t wear a hat, she gets sunstroke.
  •  If children don’t eat well, they aren’t healthy.
  •  If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.
  •  If people eat too many sweets, they get fat.
  •  If you smoke, you get yellow fingers.
  •  If children play outside, they don’t get overweight.
  •  If you heat ice, it melts.
  •  If I speak to John, he gets annoyed.
  •  I feel good the next day if I go to bed early.
  •  Lots of people come if Jenny has a party.
  •  She buys expensive clothes if she goes shopping.
  • My daughter passes her exams if she works hard.
  •  David is sick if he drinks milk.
  • The river freezes if it’s very cold.
  •  I like to visit the museums if I am in a new city.
  •  I cycle to work if the weather is fine.
  •  My flatmate cleans really well if she cleans the house.
  • Everybody is grumpy if it rains a lot.


Respuesta dada por: linaalgarin61842


la primera es si practicas ingles si o no la segunda es si estudias para el examen de ingles si o no la tres es si te sientes bien si o no la cuarta si estas triste si o no la quinta es si te despiertas tarde si o no si o no la sexta es si haces ejercicio fisico si o no vas a responder en las lineas si o no

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