• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pao4012
  • hace 4 años

Actividad Reescribe en tulibreta la forma correcta de la oración usando el
'genitivo sajon. Es decir el apostrofe 'S'
1. This is the book of John.
This is John's book (cambie la oracion y usé el apostrofe 's')
6.He has stolen the pencil of the boy.
7. The hat or that girl is yellow
8. The leg of the chair needs to be fixed.
9 The offices of this building
are beatitiful
ayudeeeeen plissss​


Respuesta dada por: DiegoAcvdo
6. He has stole the boy’s pencil
7. The girl’s hat is yellow
8. The chair’s leg needs to be fixed
9. This building’s offices
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