• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: shirleybaptista07
  • hace 3 años

escribe how much o how many segun corresponda
1-------------------------------did you learm when you were in the uk?
2------------------------------ people are there at the party?
3 ---------------------------- colories are there in a cake ?
4 -------------------------- money do you carh?
5 --------------------------- types of chese are there in france?
6 ----------------------------- chocolate is there?
7 ---------------------------- eggs are there?
8 --------------------------------- sausages are there?
9------------------------------------ bread is there?
10 ----------------------------------- studentes are there?
11 ---------------------------------------- chaese is there?
12 -------------------------------------- money is there?
13 ---------------------------------- peaches are there?
14 ----------------------------------- carrots are there?
15 ------------------------------------- onions are there?
16 ------------------------------------- laguages so you speak?
17 ----------------------------------------- children has she got?
18 --------------------------------------------- is breakfast? "Its inclu ded "
19 ----------------------------------------- days do you want to stay here?
20 --------------------------------------is that?


Respuesta dada por: aamaliam


te las pongo en orden


1how much

2hoy many

3how much

4how much

5how many

6how much

7how many

8how many

9how much

10how many

11how much

12how much

13how many

14how many

15hoy many

16how many

17how many

18hoy much

19how many

20how much

Respuesta dada por: paulethhernandez741


gracias mi sirvió de mucho tu ayuda

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