• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: erivargascruz
  • hace 4 años

The bird flu virus had infected a total of three hundred thirty-eight people by December twelfth. *
1 punto
Simple past
Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Perfect Present
Simple present
Perfect Past
People would have begun their inmunization with a new vaccine. *
1 punto
Future Perfect
Conditional Modal
Conditional Perfect
Conditional Perfect Progressive
Conditional Simple
Future Perfect Progressive
They call major kinds of influenza type A, B and C. Type C as the least serious. *
1 punto
Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Simple past
Perfect Past
Perfect Present
Simple present
The flu virus would spread quickly to large numbers of people in many countries. *
1 punto
Conditional Simple
Conditional Perfect
Future Perfect Progressive
Conditional Modal
Future Perfect
Conditional Perfect Progressive
They will not have enough time to identify it and produce a vaccine. *
1 punto
Perfect Present
Future Perfect
Future Simple
Perfect Past
Past Progressive
Present Progressive
Medical experts have recognized for some time that people become infected with influenza during the winter months. *
1 punto
Simple Past
Past Progressive
Simple Present
Perfect Present
Perfect Past
Present Progressive
Researchers in New York carried out twenty experiments with guinea pigs to investigate how the virus spreads. *
1 punto
Simple Present
Simple Future
Perfect Future
Past Progressive
Perfect Present
Simple Past
Wild and farm birds often have a flu virus. *
1 punto
Conditional Perfect
Future Simple
Conditional Simple
Future Perfect
Simple present
Simple past
Results of the study were reported in PLoS Pathogens *
1 punto
Perfect Past
Perfect Present
Present Progressive
Simple past
Past Progressive
Simple Present
The virus could survive in the air and low humidity for a longer time. *
1 punto
Conditional Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
Conditional Simple
Conditional Modal
Future Perfect
Conditional Perfect


Respuesta dada por: luciajurado47




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