• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: romerocindy731
  • hace 3 años

a)Supply the correct form of the present tense of to be:
1-She________my best friend
2-He________a good neighbour
3-They_______both in my English class
4-Mice_______dirty animals
5-He and his sister______both very tall
6-We______very busy today
7-You______late for the lesson
8-It______very hot today
9-Both dogs____vicious
10-I am really happy for you!

b)Choose the correct form:
1-I see______(her,she)on the bus everyday
2-(We,us)_____always walk to school together
3-She sits near(I,me)______in the lesson
4-Please,could you explain this sentence to____(me,I)?
5-I always speak to_______(he,him)in English
6-There are some letters here for you and___(I,me)
7-What is the matter with____(she/her)?
8-I know both of_____(they,them)
9-I always go with_______(they,them)to the movies.
10-Merry is older than____(I,me)

ayuda xfaa


Respuesta dada por: MG2525


A) Complete with present tense to be:

1. is

2. is

3. are

4. are

5. are

6. are

7. are

8. is

9. are

B) Complete with the correct form:

1. her

2. we

3. me

4. me

5. him

6. me

7. her

8. them

9. them

10. me

Espero que te sirva :)

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