• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dervygoo
  • hace 4 años

Necesito tu ayuda, por favor.
Complete the sentences correctly using BE USED TO o GET USED TO
1. when I started to train at the gym I need help to do exercises properly, but now
2. I_______(do) the work – out on my own.
3. He____(read)several books a month but he doesn’t have time anymore.
4. Don’t worry; it is an easy-to-use printer. Just read the manual and you _______it in no
5. At first the employees didn’t like the new open-space office but in the end they _____It.
6. Everybody drinks tea here but I can't______ it.
7. The noise in this neighbourhood is terrible but I_______ it now.
8. The birds eventually______ the traffic and live happily by the motorway.
9. I am_______ going to bed late - everybody does in Spain.
10. Are you_________ the new job? Do you like it?
11. One never_________ driving on the left. I hate it!
12. Adapting to city life is hard but I'm slowly_____ it.
13. John____ the cold. He's from Finland.
14. People who live in the jungle find it difficult to_______ the modern way of life.

3. Complete the text with be or get used to and the verb given in brackets.
I’m going to school in China as a part of an exchange programme. Things are certainly different here! School
starts at 7 o’clock. I’m half asleep at that time, but Chinese students 1 _____ (get up) early.
We all cycle to school – I 2 __________ (take) the bus. When we get there, we do twenty
minutes of gymnastics Little by little, I 3 _________ do) exercise in the morning, and
actually, I quite like it. Most classes have about 60 students –but they’re very quiet. Chinese students 4
______________ (not ask) questions. We have a break of two hours for lunch but there’s no
canteen. I 5 ________ (not eat) in the classroom because at home, it isn’t allowed. Monday is
a special day. We clean the classrooms! I 6 ________ (not do) this yet. In fact, I don’t
think I’ll ever get used to it.
4. Complete the sentences below with the following verbs: aren’t  get  got  am  was getting  wasn’t
1. I don’t mind living in a city now because I ________ used to the noise of the traffic.
2. I thought everyone was unfriendly at first because I ______ used to their ways.
3. Did it take you long to _______ used to the food in this country?
4. We’ve never ________ used to the way that people kiss you on both cheeks.
5. A lot of Northern Europeans burn in the sun because they _______ used to it.
6. Just as I _______ used to the idea, she changed her mind.
5. Circle the correct option.
1. I find it hard to be / get used to speaking another language.
2. My grandfather haven’t been / got used to using the Internet yet.
3. Before we moved, I wasn’t / didn’t used to having a big room.
4. I think I’m used to see / seeing you with short hair now.
5. We’re slowly being / getting used to having new neighbours.
6. I can’t be / get used to going to bed early. It’s impossible!
7. I’ve been playing in a team for ages so I am / get used to training in the evenings.
8. I find exams very stressful. I can’t be / get used to doing them.
6. Rewrite the following sentences into BE USED TO.
1. My sister eats in the same restaurant every weekend
2. Did the students practice their activities before classes?
3. Carolina and Steven don’t sleep early
4. Does Mrs. Restrepo walk to the school?
5. Christopher always dances in my disco.
7. Rewrite the following sentences into GET USED TO.
1. Luis is writing a lot of letters for his mom
2. Have you lived alone whole your life?
3. Maria would waste time with her boyfriend if she had one.
4. Carolina reads five books a week.
5. The bus drivers didn’t stop at the new bus station
15. She comes from a very wealthy family. She___ the good things in life.


Respuesta dada por: GEDHRENTI


Necesito tu ayuda, por favor.

Complete the sentences correctly using BE USED TO o GET USED TO

1. when I started to train at the gym I need help to do exercises properly, but now

2. I_get used to do__ the work – out on my own.

3. He___used to read_several books a month but he doesn’t have time anymore.

4. Don’t worry; it is an easy-to-use printer. Just read the manual and you ______will get used to it_in no


5. At first the employees didn’t like the new open-space office but in the end they ___get used to__It.

6. Everybody drinks tea here but I can't___get use ___ it.

7. The noise in this neighbourhood is terrible but I___got used to____ it now.

8. The birds eventually____got used to __ the traffic and live happily by the motorway.

9. I am____getting use to___ going to bed late - everybody does in Spain.

10. Are you____getting used_____ the new job? Do you like it?

11. One never____get use to_____ driving on the left. I hate it!

12. Adapting to city life is hard but I'm slowly___getting use to__ it.

13. John____ the cold. He's from Finland.

14. People who live in the jungle find it difficult to____get use to ___ the modern way of life.

3. Complete the text with be or get used to and the verb given in brackets.

I’m going to school in China as a part of an exchange programme. Things are certainly different here! School

starts at 7 o’clock. I’m half asleep at that time, but Chinese students 1 _____ (get up) early.

We all cycle to school – I 2 __________ (take) the bus. When we get there, we do twenty

minutes of gymnastics Little by little, I 3 _________ do) exercise in the morning, and

actually, I quite like it. Most classes have about 60 students –but they’re very quiet. Chinese students 4

______________ (not ask) questions. We have a break of two hours for lunch but there’s no

canteen. I 5 ________ (not eat) in the classroom because at home, it isn’t allowed. Monday is

a special day. We clean the classrooms! I 6 ________ (not do) this yet. In fact, I don’t

think I’ll ever get used to it.

4. Complete the sentences below with the following verbs: aren’t  get  got  am  was getting  wasn’t

1. I don’t mind living in a city now because I ___got_____ used to the noise of the traffic.

2. I thought everyone was unfriendly at first because I _get not_____ used to their ways.

3. Did it take you long to ____get___ used to the food in this country?

4. We’ve never ________ used to the way that people kiss you on both cheeks.

5. A lot of Northern Europeans burn in the sun because they ___got____ used to it.

6. Just as I _____got__ used to the idea, it changed my mind.

5. Circle the correct option.

1. I find it hard to Be used to speaking another language.

2. My grandfather haven’t been  used to using the Internet yet.

3. Before we moved, I wasn’t  used to having a big room.

4. I think I’m used to  seeing you with short hair now.

5. We’re slowly  getting used to having new neighbours.

6. I can’t be  used to going to bed early. It’s impossible!

7. I’ve been playing in a team for ages so I am  used to training in the evenings.

8. I find exams very stressful. I can’t be used to doing them.

6. Rewrite the following sentences into BE USED TO.

1. My sister was used to eating in the same restaurant every weekend

2. Did the students were used to practising their activities before classes?

3. Carolina and Steven were used to not sleeping early

4. Does Mrs. Restrepo is used to walking  to the school?

5. Christopher is used to always dancing in my disco.

7. Rewrite the following sentences into GET USED TO.

1. Luis got used to write a lot of letters for his mom

2. Have you got used to living  alone your hole life?

3. Maria would get use to wasting time with her boyfriend if she had one.

4. Carolina got used to reading five books a week.

5. The bus drivers have got used to not stoping at the new bus station

15. She comes from a very wealthy family. She got used to having  good things in life.


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