• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: daniipincha7777
  • hace 3 años

Activity 1 . Complete: have or has

a) Lucy…………..got two dogs. The dogs……………got short legs.

b) My mum…………got short hair and she ………..got brown eyes.

c) My friends………….got a big car.​


Respuesta dada por: guerrasusi17


lucy has 2 dogs the dogs have got short legs

my mun has got short hair and she has got brown eyes

my friends have got a big car


have and has se utilizan para decir algo que poses  utilizamos have para i you we and they (yo,tu,ellos.ellas y nosotros) y utilizamos has para he,she and it (el ella eso )

daniipincha7777: no se cómo poner coronita
daniipincha7777: pero muchas gracias
daniipincha7777: pero muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: Mercury77


Lucy has got two dogs. The dogs have got short legs.

My mum has got short hair and she has got brwon eyes.

My friends have got a big car.


presente perfecto

con los sujetos (she he it) se utiliza has

con los sujetos (I you they we) se utiliza have

daniipincha7777: gracyas bestie
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