• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Victoria19820
  • hace 9 años

Completar el diálogo con las formas correctas de los verbos entre paréntesis (present perfect simple, simple past, present perfect continous, past perfect) . Más de una respuesta puede ser posible para algunos artículos.
A: Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting for long?
B: Yes, but I -------------(read) this facinating book called Woman in the Mist. It's about Dian Fossey. She was an American scientist but she ----------(live)in Rwanda for years before she was killed at the age of 53.
A: Oh! What ---------------(do)there before she died?
B: Well, she ------------(study) gorillas for years, and at the time of her death, she ----------(work) to stop the poaching of mountain gorillas.
A: So, she ----------(do) a lot to protect gorillas before she --------(die).
B: Yes, and there------------(be) a movie about her life called Gorillas in the mist.
A: I ----------(hear) of it, I think, but I --------(not see). We should watch it.


Respuesta dada por: Ceesii
1- was reading
3- she did
10- haven´t seen it

Espero te sirva

Victoria19820: Muchas gracias! Me sirvió mucho :D
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