escribe una carta a tu familia hasiendo énfasis a tus emosiones y sentimientos que sientes por ella
To my dear family:
I know you guys are not perfect, but you are one of the most valuable things I have.
I like it when they worry about me when I'm sick, or when on my birthday, they do their best because I enjoy it.
Although sometimes I feel like they won't let me do what I want, it's because they protect me.
Sometimes I come to think that I am not important when I fight with you, but then they show me how much I am worth and matter at home.
I love and love them very much, and although I am not the best ideal member, I do the best I can for a healthy coexistence.
With love....(Aquí pones tú nombre)
La familia es lo mas hermoso que nosoteos tenemos en nuestea vida son los que nos apoyan sin importan lo que pase, siempre estan para nosotros, y por eso los amo con todo el alma, y siempre los voy a amar a pesar de todos las discusiones que podamos tener, como toda familia podemos tener problemas con amor, confianza,dialogo,etc. Amo a mi familia.