Men and women have always been linked for strong and highly determining reasons: the perpetuation and survival of the species; man and woman have bonded to reproduce. This union, of great force, as the principle and foundation of the perpetuation of the species, has been enormous and has conditioned the rest of the relationships required for its survival.
Among other relationships stand out, in a very special way, the division of labor, political, educational, family relationships and, finally, all those that together make up the social structure, which is based on certain principles to sustain and guarantee the survival of its members. These principles are known as the social mandate or "desideratum", which is understood as the collective notion of what each society considers good or bad, desired or rejected, acceptable or reprehensible.
Throughout history we have gone through different evolutionary stages of human society, but it is interesting to note that those roles established for the woman-object are acquired from the social mandate and are perpetuated almost unconsciously, through the family, school, religion, the media and more.