• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: brookfisher1786
  • hace 3 años

can someone please help? I’ll help you with anything you need:// I’m really behind and I need help


asuragamer: hola no hablo en ingles pero intentare
asuragamer: use the translator


Respuesta dada por: asuragamer


Direct European explorations of sub-Saharan Africa began in the 15th century with the Age of Discoveries led by the kingdom of Portugal (school of Sagres, Henry the Navigator), when the Arab or Muslim civilization had been entering the area for centuries. South Africa was reached at the end of the century (discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartolomeu Dias on March 12, 1488, after which the Race of India was opened, with stops in East Africa, and long routes to the islands. of spices and the Far East. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries had very limited exploratory activities in Africa, with European colonial powers limited to establishing trading posts on the coast, unlike the more extensive colonization of the Americas. The African interior remained in The Islamization of the Sudan region helped establish long-distance trading networks that sustained the economy of the Sahel kingdoms between the 15th and 18th centuries


I hope it helps you XD

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