• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carlosarturo493132
  • hace 3 años

mi profe de ingles dijo que hiciera una historia cualquiera pero en ingles , me podrian ayudar ya ayude a 34 personas :)​


Respuesta dada por: dafneandersen759


puedes hacer uno Gandhi o Marie Curie tienen historias interesantes

Respuesta dada por: persona61

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived outdoors near the forest. They were often restless because an evil and dangerous wolf used to pass by, threatening to eat them.

One day they agreed that the wisest thing to do was for each of them to build a house to be more protected.

The smallest pig, who was very lazy, decided that his house would be made of straw. For a few hours he stacked dry straws and in no time, he built his new home. Satisfied, he went to play.


- I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf anymore! - He told his brothers.

The medium-sized pig was a little more determined than the little one, but he didn't really want to work either. He thought that a wooden house would be enough to be safe, so he went deep into the woods and hauled as many logs as he could to build the walls and roof. In a couple of days he had finished it and very happy, he went to chat with other animals.

- How good! I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf either - he commented to all those he was meeting.

The eldest of the brothers, on the other hand, was sensible and had very good ideas. He wanted to make a comfortable but mostly indestructible house, so he went to town, bought bricks and cement, and started building his new home. Day after day, the little pig strove to make the best house possible.

His brothers did not understand why he was taking so much trouble.

- Look at our brother! - The little pig said to the middle one - He spends the day working instead of coming to play with us.

- Well yes, what nonsense! I don't know what he works so hard for, being able to do it in a jiffy… Our houses have turned out great and are as valid as yours.

The older pig, he listened to them.

- Well, when the wolf comes we will see who has been the most responsible and clever of the three - he said as a warning.

It took him several weeks and was exhausting work for him, but the effort was definitely worth it. When the brick house was finished, the older brother was proud and sat watching it while he sipped a refreshing lemonade.

- How well my house has been! Not a hurricane will be able to with it.

Each little pig went to live in his own home. Everything seemed calm until one morning, the youngest who was playing in a mud puddle, saw the fearsome wolf appear from the bushes. The poor pig started running and took refuge in his brand-new straw house. He closed the door and breathed in relief. But from within he heard the wolf cry out:

- I'll blow and blow and the house will tear down!

And just like he said it, he started blowing and the straw house fell apart. The terrified pig ran out to the house of his middle brother and they both took refuge there. But the wolf appeared after a few seconds and screamed:

- I'll blow and blow and the house will tear down!

He blew so hard that the wooden structure began to move and eventually all the logs that made up the house fell off and began to roll down the slope. The desperate brothers fled at high speed and knocked on the door of his older brother, who opened them and ushered them in, locking the door.

- Easy, guys, you'll be fine here. The wolf will not be able to destroy my house.

The fearsome wolf arrived and as much as he blew, he could not move a single brick from the walls. It was a very resistant house! Even so, he did not give up and looked for a hole through which he could enter.

At the back of the house was a hundred-year-old tree. The wolf climbed up it and in one leap, planted himself on the roof and from there jumped to the chimney. He slid down it to enter the house but fell into a huge pot of broth that was heating up over the fire. The burn was so great that he let out a heartbreaking howl and shot back onto the roof. His ass reddened, he fled never to return.

- Do you see what happened? - The elder pig scolded his brothers - You have narrowly saved yourselves from falling into the claws of the wolf! That happens to you as lazy and unconscious. You have to think things over before doing them. First there is the obligation and then the fun. I hope you have learned your lesson.

And of course they did! From that day on they became more responsible, they built a brick and concrete house like that of their wise older brother and lived happily ever after.Respuesta:


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