• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: beltremendezmiguelin
  • hace 3 años

Rewrite the conversation.Add the adverbs in the Correct places.

where do you have lunch? (usually)
I go to a restauran near work. (Often)
Do you eat at your desk (ever)
No, I stay in for lunch. (Hardly ever)
and what do you have (Usually)
I have soup and a Sándwich (Always)
me too. I have a big lunch.(Never)


Respuesta dada por: sofissj123


usually, where do you have lunch

i often go to a restaurant in new york

do you ever eat at your desk

no, i hardly ever stay in for lunch

and usually, what do you have

i always have soup and a sandwich

me too, i never have a big lunch

Respuesta dada por: mafe3281510


-Where do you usually have lunch?

-I often go to a restauran near work

-Do you ever eat at your desk

-No, I hardly ever stay in for lunch

-And what do you usually have?

-I always have soup and a sandwich

-me too. I never have a big lunch.

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