• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariadelmar19317
  • hace 3 años

alguien que me ayude porfa !!! hai que ordenarlo

Order the words to make sentences.
1. want / to Cambridge / buy /l/to/ a ticket /.
2. a tour / going / My grandparents / around Europe / on
/ are/
3. Amsterdam / Let's / to/flight/a/book/.
4. stay / always / a hotel / at /We / on holiday /.
5. expensive /get/it/Is/ a taxi/to/?​


Respuesta dada por: paulabadiaperez


I want to buy a ticket to Cambridge

My grandparents are going on a tour around Europe

Let's book a flight to Amsterdam

We always stay at a hotel on holiday

Is it expensive to get a taxi?


mariadelmar19317: Mil gracias !!!
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